Applebee's, TGI Fridays, and Chili's are trying to claw their way out of a restaurant death trap (EA

July 2024 · 1 minute read

For Fridays, that means trying to ditch the industry all together. Antioco says the brand hopes to capture the buzz of the trendy gastropub, with plans to redesign restaurants to emphasize the bar, add endless apps as a permanent menu item, and focus on urban (not suburban) markets.

Fridays isn't alone in trying to escape the casual dining curse.

restaurants were still not seeing return on the investment, with Applebee's comparable sales dropping 5% in the US 2016 — 7.2% in the fourth quarter. Now, parent company DineEquity is on the hunt for a new CEO, as Julia Steward announced she was stepping down when the company reported earnings.
