Who ever heard of Florindo (“Porky”) Vieira? Not the basketball fans who only bother with big-time games and big-name colleges. But the students of Connecticut’s Quinnipiac College (enrollment 800) insist that their chunky, 5-ft-6-in. sharpshooter is one of the best roundball players in captivity. Last week Porky boasted an average of 35 points per game, a healthy five points ahead of such highly touted major-college players as Kansas’ Wilt Chamberlain and South Carolina’s Grady Wallace. In the national standings, only West Virginia Tech’s Kenny Hammond ranked higher (36.1 points per game), and who ever heard of him?
Some such local hotshots fatten parochial pride for a season or two, then fade away. Only a few of the home-town heroes still look like heroes when the big-time tournaments begin. As tournament time approached last week, there was a good-sized batch of local stars whose talents raised them above purely local acclaim. The standouts made up an odd package of assorted shapes and sizes. Some of them: Columbia University’s little (5-ft.-9-in.) Fulvio Chester Forte Jr. is a dead-eye offensive demon with an uncanny knack for hitting the hoop. Hampered by a so-so team, Chet manages to shake loose an average 29 points a game with set shots from outside, or driving lay-ups. All season he has been right up among the leaders for national scoring honors, and despite his size the pros are already dickering for his services. University of Pittsburgh’s Don Hen-non, another little (5-ft.-9-in.) man, is a manufactured expert; his father, a Pennsylvania high-school coach, had him handling a basketball at the age of four.
A sophomore, he is more than a match for the gangling giants he plays against. With his twisting one-hand jump shot Don easily earned the Most Valuable Player award at this winter’s Orange Bowl tournament, almost alone has boosted Pitt to a 13-9 record. West Virginia University’s hustling Rodney (“Hot Rod”) Hundley is a 6-ft.-4-in. reformed court clown who has slow-Jy learned to keep his comedy talents from interfering with his skill at playing basketball. Hot Rod, when he puts his mind to it, can do anything—dribble, shoot, pass and play defense—with the casual assurance of a pro. In three seasons he has scored more than 2,000 points. Seattle University’s poker-faced prodigy, Elgin Baylor, is a skillful, 6-ft.-4¾-in. Negro with so much polish he is sometimes too good for his teammates—his needle-threading passes often catch other Seattle players off guard. His rebounding always dominates the backboards, and his offensive skill is so sure that he presses for shots only when Seattle really needs a score; he prefers to set up the play for others. Although he still has a couple of years of college eligibility ahead, professional-and industrial-league teams are already pestering him with contract offers.
Southern Methodist University’s Jim Krebs is an oversized (6-ft.-8-in.) high-school flash from Webster Groves (Mo.) who.practiced for two years to sandpaper his game to its present smoothness. Now he can hold his own with the best. A cautious, careful player who thinks his way around a court, Krebs sports a hard, shallow hook shot that has started S.M.U. on a Southwest Conference title-winning kick. University ‘of South Carolina’s Grady
Wallace (6-ft.-4-in.) is a modest graduate of the Kentucky coal-mining country. All season long he has been scrapping with Wilt Chamberlain and Chet Forte for big-college scoring honors, while his exasperated coach keeps urging him to shoot more often. But Grady prefers to feed the ball to his teammates. When he does decide to cut loose, he can connect from outside as well as from under-the-basket melees.
University of Kansas’ lanky (7-ft.-2-in.) Wilt (“The Stilt”) Chamberlain is the most publicized college-basketball player in a generation. Before he graduated from a Philadelphia high school, the pros were squabbling over him; more than 140 colleges were bidding for his services. Still far from his prime, Wilt is just too big for most opponents. Ever since The Stilt arrived in Kansas, the university field house has been sold out for almost every game. Chancellor Franklin Murphy goes into weekend seclusion to avoid rabid fans “prepared to trade their honor for two seats.” Even if Wilt Chamberlain never achieves his tremendous promise, he will easily earn the trust fund that wealthy Kansas alumni are rumored to have put aside as his graduation present.