Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman just released 'ads' for each other's coffee and gin brands, and one p

September 2024 ยท 4 minute read

Last week , Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds decided to put their long-running "feud" behind them.

The pair have been beefing in hilarious fashion on social media since at least 2015.

However, Reynolds and Jackman both tweeted on Thursday to say that they were calling an official truce and, to sweeten the deal, would be making advertisements for the other's company.


Just under a week later since their promise, the duo have already posted a video sharing their adverts with each other.

Unfortunately, it seems like some wires got crossed along the way.

"I've been working 24/7 on an ad for Hugh's incredibly coffee company, Laughing Man Coffee," Reynolds begins.


"And he's been working hard 24/7, I imagine on an Aviation Gin ad."

Reynolds' "ad" rolls and viewers are shown a stunning, exotic landscape while the actor provides narrations.

"Hugh could be behind such a Hugh-roic company?" Reynolds asks. "Hm, you guessed it. My friend, Hugh Jackman. The loving and caring man who created Laughing Man. Make every cup count."

Jackman, looking astonished, responds: "Wow."

Grinning with pride, Reynolds mutters, "It cost a million dollars."


Jackman then says his ad is "not quite ready" and attempts to cut the screening short. Reynolds pays no attention, though, and cues Jackman's ad.

The "ad" shows Jackman dressed in a suit, sat in a large leather armchair with a bottle of Aviation Gin in front of him.

"Ryan Reynolds is a complete and total f------ a------," Jackman says as a bleep implies he's just sworn.

"The gin is pretty great though, I'll have to try it some day."

He then promptly pulls off the lid and puts the bottle on its side, leaving its contents to spill out over the table.


"I'm sorry man, I didn't think the truce was actually real," Jackman says to a distraught looking Reynolds as the shot cuts back to the actors.

"Say hi to Blake [Lively, Reynolds' wife] man, and the kids," Jackman says as the video cuts to black and the actor is heard to be leaving.

"F for effort," Reynolds captioned the video on his Instagram.

It seems like the truce never really ended.

Jackman and Reynolds have been teasing each other on social media since at least 2015, when the latter in full "Deadpool" make-up mimicked the Australian's accent in a joking plea to vote for him for People's Sexiest Man Alive (both have won the accolade in the past).


Reynolds took the feud up a notch in November when he posted a mock political smear ad in the aftermath of Jackman's much-lauded performance in "The Frontrunner."

"Hugh Jackman's upcoming performance in 'The Frontrunner' has fooled some people into thinking he deserves an award, but before voting begins, some people should consider these facts," Reynolds narrates in the video.

"Hugh Jackman isn't his real name. It's Hugh Michael Jackman. Hugh Michael speaks with a charming accent, but he's actually from Milwaukee. He then walked off the job at Wolverine, adding to unemployment," Reynolds says as a note at the bottom of the screen reads, "This is in no way true."

"Is this the type of amazing actor and nice person we want delivering a preachy liberal speech this awards season? Or maybe there's a real foreigner from a bordering country who would really love it a lot," he finishes as a shot of himself appears on screen.

A few weeks later, Jackman clapped back with a video exposing "the truth" about Reynolds.


"Ryan Reynolds may seem like an honest, hardworking movie star, husband, and father, but don't let the facts get in the way of the truth," Jackman says over various shots of Reynolds.

"The truth? He's being riding Hugh Jackman's coattails since 2009, when Hugh hand-selected him to star in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, in the universally acclaimed, best portrayal of Wade Wilson, ever."

He adds: "The truth? Ryan Reynolds was only named People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive in 2010, the year after he met Hugh. Coincidence? Please."
