"I'm Banging Like I'm the Police, Help" — Roommates Purposely Lock Woman Out
By Tatayana YomaryPublished July 24 2023, 10:39 a.m. ET
Shared living always comes with its pros and cons! For most folks, the first experience they have with roommates is within the confines of college. Many people make it a point to live with friends, while others have no choice but to roll the dice and hope for a like-minded roommate.
On the flip side, some folks also decide to have a roommate into adulthood, which has a different set of expectations — from paying utilities to sharing cleaning duties. That said, some folks are known to have issues with their roommates about several things. And sometimes, the issues snowball into a petty contest. Case in point: Being locked out of the home.
In a viral TikTok video, one woman shared that her roommates purposely locked her out of the home. And of course, she decided to get her lick back. Here’s the full scoop.
A woman on TikTok shared that her roommates purposely locked her out, and she sought revenge.
Let the “Petty Olympics” commence! In a July 5, 2023 TikTok video, creator Midnyght @midnyghtryderr shared a video detailing that her roommates locked her out of their home.
“Since y’all forgot who TF I am, let me remind you,” the video caption reads.
In a short 15-second clip, the creator gave a brief synopsis of what happened.
“So my f------ roommates locked me out of the house on purpose, and I had to bust out a screen door to push open the window just to get in,” she said.
since yall forgot who TF I AM‼️ let me remind you #PETTYQUEEN #pettylabelle #fyp
♬ original sound - Midnyght“So now, since y'all want to play those games, good luck getting back into the house. Good luck, she said while showing a chair and a couch behind a door and blocking the entrance into the house.
In a follow-up video, the creator shared an update and gave folks the full story of what exactly transpired.
“So I’m already downstairs, and they come into the house,” the creator said. “I leave out a couple of seconds later to go and throw out the trash. I come back from the trash can and the door is locked. Why is the door locked?”
Update and Full Story on the Roommate Lockout #PETTYQUEEN #pettylabelle #fyp #roommateproblems #storytime
♬ original sound - MidnyghtThe creator said that she banged on the door repeatedly to no avail.
“I’m ringing the doorbell and I’m banging like I’m the police, you know, ‘Police, help,’” she jokingly says. “I finally realized that nobody is coming downstairs, nobody wants to answer the door.”
The creator said that she went to the main office and called security with no luck. She even called family members and friends for assistance on what to do.
“They’re like, ‘You have to figure something out. Call your roommate,'” the creator recalls.
She then said that she only likes one of her three roommates, and the woman was not at home at the time. Interestingly, the story takes a turn.
“I forgot to mention, on my way home from the office to the unit, I LOCKED EYES with the other roommates as they were leaving the house,” the text on the video reads with a Kevin Hart clip from a comedy special. “By the time I checked to see if the door was locked, they had already gotten into their cars and peeled off the lot. And I was still locked out.”
After frustration got the best of the creator, she decided to break into her own home.
“So I come back and I bust out a screen door thinking I’m just going to have to break into my own house,” she said. “Both of the kitchen windows were unlocked, but I couldn’t push the window up.”
After her failed attempt, she decided to ask a random guy at a volleyball court in the complex for assistance.
“I ask him, ‘Can you help me break into my house real quick?’” the creator recalled.
He obliges, much to her surprise, and the other boys also assist.
“They helped me open the window up, I crawled into the kitchen window, and I closed the window and I barricaded it,” she said. “Because y’all want to be petty and lock me out, now y’all are going to go through the same s--- I had to go through. You’re not getting in through the front door. You’re going to have to crawl in through the window to get in.”
The creator also showcased her petty even further by only leaving a small crack in the window, “just enough to get your finger in and pull up.”
She also said that her roommates saw the video of her putting the chair and the couch by the door, but she also added more furniture to make it more difficult for them to enter the home. Petty!
“You’re going to leave me out of my house that I pay rent at? Really? You forgot who TF you’re messing with. This is the 'Petty Queen.'"
The creator also shared that something like this happened before and told her roommates that probably watched the video to not forget about it.
“I’m not new to this, I’m true to this,” the creator said.
The video ends with her saying that security had to later let the roommates in.
TikTok users applaud the creator’s petty nature and have cautioned her to move out.
Most folks love when people tap into their petty side, especially when it’s necessary. So after hearing the creator’s account about how her roommates decided to lock her out, they believe that she did the right thing.
“Petty is my favorite color,” one user commented.
“I’d put something on the windows long enough to where their hands can get in but not enough to remove said object,” another person said.
“Girl, they don’t like you! Move out immediately before it gets worse,” one user cautioned.
Although some people tried to argue that the roommates did the “responsible thing by locking the doors,” others clapped back to say that they were looking past the fact that the roommates knew she threw out the trash and locked her out on purpose.
However, the creator did share that she is working on moving out as fast as she can.