Could there be a place on Earth that could take you to another dimension? In 1997, a phone on an American radio show rang. The employee picked up the phone and got probably one of the most unusual calls in his career. A man on the other end of the line introduced himself as Mel Waters.
He started a story about how he discovered a pretty unusual hole on the rural property he owned, that was near Ellensburg, Washington. “I used a fishing line and a weight to measure it. According to my calculations, it’s 80,000 feet deep,” Mel claimed. “And some weird paranormal things have been going on here.”

He was talking about a black beam that could come out of a hole and shoot into the sky during certain day periods. He believed the hole had magical powers like restoring life in animals and allegedly setting ice on fire. Yup, the ice in question didn’t melt — it burned like coal. The call went public.
Mel managed to convince many listeners his story was true. One geologist named Jack Powell was especially interested in the story he had heard on the radio. He found it somewhat curious, particularly because Mel claimed it was basically the bottomless pit. Jack was in geology for decades, and he was familiar with the fact that the deepest shaft goes a bit over 40,000 feet [40,230 feet] below the surface.

Jack started to investigate that mysterious case. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t find the hole. Further investigation led to the fact that they later couldn’t even find a person named Mel Waters that lives close to Ellensburg, Washington. After the phone call went public, the mysterious Mel even claimed some tried to pay him off to stop talking about the hole.
This whole story became an urban legend. Later, many people claimed they found that hole and saw weird things happening there. They heard strange noises coming out of the hole. Others saw lights and unusual creatures coming out of the hole. And some believe the hole goes all the way down to the center of our planet whereas others go so far to think it’s a secret portal to another dimension.
A few people think Mel’s hole is a spot where space and time are warped. People or objects that enter it never come back and no one sees them ever again. Of course, those are just different theories — after all, no one still knows if Mel’s hole even exists or not.

That deepest hole in the world we’ve mentioned before — the one that actually exists — is called Kola Superdeep Borehole, and it’s human-made. It’s covered and welded shut, and it sits among the abandoned ruins of one project site. It took people who made it around 20 years to reach that many miles under the surface.
What stopped them at such depths are 2.7 billion-year-old rocks. They were at temperatures of about 356 F which was almost twice as hot as the team thought it would be. A hole this deep may seem like something from horror movies, but here’s something that will comfort you — it’s just 9 inches in diameter.
That means you can’t just wander around and accidentally fall inside of it — which, you have to admit, makes it a bit less scary after all. But many locals are still very afraid of it and are not comfortable with this hole. Many of them claim they hear terrifying screams at night, coming out of it.

If you decide to enter Krubera cave, one of the deepest ones on the Earth, know it could take days or even weeks to reach the bottom. This massive cave complex is located in Georgia, and it goes over a mile [1.4 miles] under the surface. It even got the nickname of being the ‘Everest’ among other cave systems.
The cave system looks really scary, imagine going down there! But it’s also home to a fascinating diversity of wildlife. There’s also a basin filled with water at its bottom. The Berkeley pit is a toxic hole. It’s a former open pit copper mine located in the western part of the United States.
The hole is a mile long and half a mile wide. It’s 1,780 feet deep — which is taller than the Empire State Building — and nearly half of it is filled with heavily acidic water. It has a similar level of acidity (2.5 pH) to gastric acid or lemon juice.

This pit is full of dangerous chemicals and heavy metals. The water at the surface is red because of all those heavy metals that float around, like breadcrumbs in this poisonous soup. This “soup” has ended the lives of many birds that tried to land in the water at some point. If you want, you can even go there, pay the ticket and check the pit out from a safe distance.
It’s a perfect day — it’s not cloudy, the sun is out, and you’re in the tropics, swimming in the sea, the water is crystal clear. So clear it seems like you could see the bottom of where you’re swimming! You look down and... All you can see is darkness. The bottom is deep down below you and if your imagination runs wild, you’ll see giant sea monsters coming from down there right away! And that’s how it feels to be above Dean’s Blue Hole.
It’s nearly circular at the surface, but if you dive a bit deeper, it suddenly widens into a 4-times wider cavern. It’s located on Long Island in the Bahamas, and it goes 663 feet below the surface, which makes it the second deepest hole in the world. It’s a sinkhole filled with saltwater that has an entrance below the water level. Such sinkholes can form in different processes.
For instance, when rainwater soaks through fractures of limestone bedrock directly onto the water table. And, in the case of this pit, the sea level has changed too — it got higher compared to let’s say the ice age from 15,000 years ago.

This one is Mount Baldy sinkhole in Indiana. It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon. A woman named Erin [Erin Argyilan] was on Mount Baldy, just finishing her scientific study of wind speeds. She was happy with how things were going, but suddenly a bad hunch erased the smile off her face.
She turned around and saw a man in his swim trunks. He was desperately clawing at the sand. “He’s right here!” He yelled, while his wife was near him, panicking and in shock. Their 6-year-old son had disappeared, simply vanished down a hole.
Erin didn’t see any sign of an opening. She saw no upturned sand, which you’d expect to see if a person had just dug a hole. More and more people were coming to help and someone called 911. She couldn’t believe something like that could happen. She thought their son was just hiding somewhere around, waiting to jump out and surprise them, so she went home.
But later, she saw it on the news — the rescue team had managed to save their son! They found him 11 feet under the surface of a dune. And it was a complete shock for her. We are in such an advanced era when the robotic arms of spaceships scoop sand on Mars and then tell us its chemistry. And here, you can take a simple walk to the beach and still end up surprised by such geologic mysteries like a hole that appears out of nowhere.

IceCube Neutrino Observatory looks like a hole you’d see in some scary science fiction movies. This Antarctic research station is located at the South Pole and 3 times as large as the world’s tallest building. This enormous hole made of metal and ice is frozen and isolated, and it reaches depths of around 8,200 feet.
Scientists hope to use it to understand neutrino particles better and through that learn more about dark matter. It’s the mysterious substance that makes up almost 30 percent of the Universe. No one can see it directly, but scientists assume it’s there — they believe it affects the movements of stars and galaxies.