20 Times Young People Had to Yell at Their Boomer Parents for Not Taking the Pandemic Seriously
By Robin ZlotnickUpdated Oct. 21 2020, 8:45 a.m. ET
The United States has been living with the COVID-19 pandemic since early March. We've been told time and time again by scientists and doctors that the best thing we can do to curb the spread of the virus is to wear a mask, social distance, and wash our hands.
And while "millennials" and other younger people have been constantly criticized for not adhering to these safety measures, plenty of these very people have been struggling for months to get their older boomer parents to stay home and quarantine properly, to wear masks and actually take the pandemic seriously. For some reason, lots of older people simply don't think they have anything to worry about.
My fricken 60-something year old mom is MOCKING the dang virus! 🙄🙄😡 She actually threw a COVID PARTY. Can’t get her to take it seriously. What’s up with hard headed Boomers?! pic.twitter.com/QrL9U4mgRF
— Ellie 😷🎃🍁 (@DisneyEllie78) March 19, 2020in an unsettling reversal of my teenage years, I am now yelling at my parents for going out
— Brigid Delaney (@BrigidWD) March 16, 2020My sister and I had a phone call about trying to stop mum from going to a party on Saturday. Karma.
— Josephine Tovey (@Jo_Tovey) March 16, 2020The tables truly have turned. I've heard so many stories of parents still hosting parties, getting together with friends and family, and making unnecessary trips out into the world to shop. Why is this the case? Why do some older people just think the virus is a non-issue for them?
Well, it could be a combination of things. Writer Molly Jong-Fast wrote for Vogue that her own mom, who is 78 years old, wasn't worried about getting COVID-19 because she "doesn't feel old and she writes books and has all the energy of someone in her 30s."
Baby boomers don’t give a single fuck about this virus. My dad is from the hood so he claims he seen worse .. he like y’all grew up in the suburbs that’s why u scared 😭😭😭😭 grinding us up.
— Imani S. Bellange (@chinchilly32) March 20, 2020Me: “sorry, I can’t come to the event. I want to make sure I don’t get Covid and spread it to my boomer parents.”
My boomer parents: “anyone know of some good super spreader events we can attend maskless??”
— Drew (@drewdyck) August 20, 2020Lots of older people don't actually realize how old and at-risk they are. "Being an older adult today is not the same as being an older adult 50 years ago," Jong-Fast writes. "Just look around at the people running our government today. The average age of a sitting United States senator is 61.8. The president is 73. Nancy Pelosi is 79."
This article was written months ago, so we now know that the president indeed did contract COVID-19 and had to be sent to the hospital for treatment! And still, some people — the president included — had trouble believing they were actually at risk.
My mom is ignoring me because I’ve been telling her what to do amid this corona virus outbreak. Ugh being in charge of a boomer is CHALLENGING.
— Laura Martin (@Larssmarss) March 20, 2020After talking to my mom I am pretty concerned because 2 packets of Emergen-C isn't a plan
— Kiki La Social Distancing (@kdc) March 12, 2020My mom informed me that she and my dad still haven’t canceled the cruise they’ve planned for next month to which I replied OVER MY DEAD BODY YOU’RE GOING ON THAT CRUISE, DEBORAH, which is all to say that the student has—finally—become the teacher.
— Grant Ginder (@GrantGinder) March 10, 2020Many older adults have been way too cavalier about the virus in general, partially because of Donald Trump's approach to dealing the crisis. He repeatedly said that it was no big deal and that it would disappear on its own and that we didn't have to worry about.
Seven months later, over 220,000 Americans are dead, the virus is spreading uncontrolled, and in all other ways, the pandemic response has been an unmitigated disaster. But if it hasn't affected someone personally, sometimes it's hard for them to think the threat is real.
i cannot wait for my trump supporting parents and grandparents who dont believe covid is real to find out that Trump literally just tweeted that he got covid
thought covid wasnt a big deal donny 🥺
— Emmy (@queenjuulpod) October 2, 2020yall ever just get the mighty urge to absolutely go in on your parents/relatives and their boomer friends when they bitch and whine about masks and covid?
i have to restrain myself every 2 seconds.
— cosmic narcissism 🎃 (@trightly) September 29, 2020Millennials trying to protect their boomer parents from Covid-19 vs. their boomer parents pic.twitter.com/xy0IB0AVIJ
— Filippo (@noncandeggiare) May 7, 2020my school has a confirmed covid case and my parents dont "believe" in it. im going to start sobbing 🚶🏻♀️
— jade⁷ ✰ semi ia 📚 (@svftkook) October 11, 2020Worse than not taking it seriously, some people believe it's actually a hoax and doesn't exist at all. And younger people who care about their parents and don't want to see them put themselves at risk are at their wits' end. They have no idea what to do.
Who at NPR will volunteer to tell my 74-year-old mother who just got over breast cancer that yes, it's worse than a flu & she doesn't need to be going to book clubs all over town & water aerobics & Costco for no reason? She won't listen to me but she'll listen to you. Only you.
— Jenée (@jdesmondharris) March 12, 2020us to our boomer parents every two days during Covid pic.twitter.com/ONadFA5HOE
— The Hahadook (@IsMarshallOkay) July 30, 2020My parents DGAF about COVID-19 - "Some of us will die, some won't, don't panic"
Is this the ultimate FU of the boomer generation? So privileged they don't care whether they die?
— Mick Watson (@BioMickWatson) March 17, 2020Liberal Boomers be like “Haha Trump got Covid” and then don’t pull their mask over their nose.
This is a direct callout at my parents I’m so fucking tired
— LEX 🕷 (@Patr0n_Minette) October 5, 2020I have a kid and my parents (63 & 65) are currently on vacation! Flying around the country, golfing up a storm like it’s NBD. Even boomers who ARE grandparents don’t seem to see themselves as elderly...
— Martha (@marloubo) March 11, 2020Boomer parents living cross country are going to kill me before this virus. As an old millennial, my head is going to explode. My dad, who as hospitalized two months ago for a lung infection, IS STILL GOING TO WORK IN NJ WHICH IS A HOT SPOT. AHHHHHHH
— Jamie D. Gravell, PhD (@dontworryteach) March 23, 2020If you too have Boomer parents who have been highly unwilling to take COVID-19 seriously, apparently the AARP website is what flipped my parents from wildly incautious to doomsday prepping.
— Roopika Risam (@roopikarisam) March 15, 2020Gonna start a support group called Children of Boomer Parents During Coronavirus Anonymous.
— Shruti Sunderraman (@sundermanbegins) March 23, 2020If you have older parents who still won't take the pandemic seriously, Roopika suggests leading them to the AARP website, which apparently has lots of good information. Maybe your parents will see that as a trusted source.
It must be super frustrating to have parents or other loved ones who aren't taking the pandemic seriously. But you can only do what you can do. They're adults! They should be responsible for their own lives!