'Big Brother's Taylor Hale Weighs In on Casting and What To Know Before You Apply (EXCLUSIVE)
By Chrissy BobicUpdated May 16 2023, 1:24 p.m. ET
Every season of Big Brother ends with more fans believing they have what it takes to be on the next season of the long-running CBS reality competition show. But what are the Big Brother casting details? One of the show's casting producers shared casting secrets on social media to give future houseguests an idea of what producers from Big Brother look for and how to stand out when you apply.
Distractify also spoke exclusively with Season 24 winner Taylor Hale about her experience on the show and what Big Brother casting was like for her. She also shared what she believes to be solid tips for potential future applicants.
'Big Brother 23' winner Xavier Prather.
We have some 'Big Brother' casting secrets for even the most dedicated fans.
Big Brother casting producer Andy Sloan shared a ton of TikTok videos ahead of the Season 24 premiere to promote casting and encourage fans to apply for the show. He also shared what he looks for as someone in charge of casting shows on CBS and what potential future houseguests should keep in mind.
One suggestion Andy made in a TikTok was to try and make an impression in the first few seconds of your audition video.
"I love people that pop, that have energy, that have charisma," Andy said.
He added that he likes to imagine applicants in the Big Brother Diary Room, so it's important to him that fans who apply for Big Brother are energetic right away.
He also said that those who sign up for Big Brother should only make an audition video when they are in the right frame of mind. He explained that you should wait until it's a good time of day for you, emotionally, when you can give the video your all.
Don't start your Big Brother audition tape by apologizing for not looking your best or by saying that you don't feel great. In fact, according to Andy, if that's the case, then wait to make the video.
Standing out in the audition process also has a lot to do with the logistics of your actual interview with producers, whether it's your first video call with them or you're further along in the process.
Reply to @rachmckenna #BB24 #Casting
♬ original sound - Andy Sloan"Lighting has to be on point," Andy said on TikTok. "No one else [should be] in the room, don't be at a Starbucks, no outside noise. Most of the time [interviews are] supposed to be confidential anyways. Don't look a mess — like seriously, this is the first thing people see of you, so please do your best to look nice, dress to impress, but [remember] it's not a job interview."
He also said that it's not a bad idea to dress in an outfit that tells producers about yourself "to convey who you are visually."
So if you're a bartender, wear what you'd wear as a bartender and film your audition tape where you work. Or, if you're a mail courier, wear your uniform.
And when you're ready to finally make that Big Brother audition video, Andy shared, make it the real deal.
"Don't submit a TikTok, don't add filters, don't have a script," he advised.
Taylor Hale from 'Big Brother 24' was contacted by producers.
Apparently, there is more than one way to get on Big Brother. For Taylor, it was because of a producer sliding into her DMs about The Amazing Race. But Taylor had no intention of competing on that particular CBS reality show and instead expressed interest in Big Brother. But her place among the other houseguests wasn't easily secured from there.
"I asked about Big Brother and that began the casting process," Taylor explained to us. "Next thing I knew, producers were flying out to surprise me with my key to the house and took me away to film the show."
But, she added, it "was a relatively long process" to get through the Big Brother casting process.
"There are mental health and IQ tests, interviews with network heads and showrunners, [and] background checks," Taylor said. "It's your responsibility to present a compelling reason you should be on the show."
Preparing for 'Big Brother' means lots of homework.
Just being a fan, or even a super fan, doesn't mean you'll succeed as a houseguest. According to Taylor, you'd do well to put in some hefty research before your season actually starts, should you be cast. She advises future players to watch old seasons of the show, study game play in them, and "Never forget that the social game is the most dominant aspect of the game."
Every year I prepare myself mentally to not apply for #bigbrother and then casting comes around and I am like pic.twitter.com/mNlRpUeoX4
— ✨Good Vibes Only✨ (@RMinuski) February 27, 2023How can you sign up for 'Big Brother'?
Although casting is now closed for Season 24 of Big Brother, you can sign up for future seasons by using the official casting website. You can also DM casting producers such as Andy, because according to him on TikTok, he has cast houseguests after receiving messages from them.
Hopefully future players can use some of this pretty thorough advice to play on Big Brother someday.