De Puyfontaine, considered the right-hand man to Vivendi boss Vincent Bolloré, has been able to keep the company’s revenue afloat during the pandemic and completed the acquisition of a majority stake in Lagardere, the French media, publishing and travel retail conglomerate, and Prisma Media, a leading publishing group in France. Vivendi saw its revenues climb by 11.9% to €8.2 billion during the first six months of 2021, driven by the growth of Universal Music Group (UMG), pay-TV banner Canal+ Group and ad outfit Havas Group, over which de Puyfontaine presides. He also spearheaded the listing of Universal Music Group on the Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange after selling 20% of the company to a consortium headed by Tencent and a further 10% to U.S. hedge fund billionaire William Ackman.