The forehead (brow) is the face area above the eyebrows and below the front hairline. They come in different shapes and sizes. Foreheads have been a source of jokes and humour. Check out these funny forehead jokes and roasts to tell your friends.

Big forehead jokes can be funny and not hurtful when done correctly. You must ensure the mood is right when telling the joke. These hilarious jokes can even boost people's confidence to embrace their foreheads. Here are some jokes about big foreheads that will crack your friends up.
Funny big forehead jokes
Sharing jokes is a great way to bond with friends. However, things could take a turn for the worse if poorly told. Here are some funny jokes about big foreheads to share with your pals.
- You could give the entire neighbourhood power by attaching a solar panel to your forehead.
- The good news is that if someone ever insults you, it will never go over your head. Your brow is big enough to stop them.
- Call the Europeans back. There is a whole new continent they have not discovered. Your forehead.
- With a brow like yours, Dora would get tired of exploring it.
- Climbing your forehead is the most prominent achievement anyone can achieve as a mountain climber.
- Your forehead is a 20-mile taxi ride from your eyebrows to your hairline.
- At least you will never go broke; you can always rent a parking space on your forehead.
- Your brow looks like the bottom of a stingray that four fishermen are all trying to catch simultaneously.
- Wow! You have strong shoulders for all that brow pressure.
- How does a brow get in touch with its spiritual side? Through meditating on its third eye.
- How do you blow up Indian people? By pressing the red button on their foreheads.
- Your forehead is so massive your thoughts start on a Monday and end on Sunday.

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Hilarious big forehead roasts

Roasting your friends can be a great way to bond and make them feel confident about their big foreheads. Below are funny roasts for people with big foreheads to level up your roasting game.
- Your brow is so big it could fit Santa's sack on it.
- Your forehead is so huge that it has its gravitational pull.
- Your brow has enough space for a jungle to grow on.
- Your forehead is so prominent that it cannot handle an acute angle.
- Your brow is so big it goes back to when Burger King was Burger Prince.
- Your forehead was so big when you were born; doctors thought you had no face.
- Your brow is so prominent you will never have enough hair for bangs.
- Your forehead is so large you could barbecue on it.
- Your forehead is so big that your left and right ears are in different time zones.
- Giants have enough space on your brow to paint a target and use it as a dartboard.
- Your forehead is so massive that it qualifies to be called a forecourt.
- You don't have a brow; you have more like a 6 or 7 head.
- Your forehead is so big that when it rains, your body never gets wet. Ever.

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Big forehead jokes for adults

People with big foreheads have a specific day in August to appreciate them. However, it's never all rosy, as they are made fun of. Below are forehead jokes to create a sense of shared humour with your adult friends.
- Your forehead is so prominent the Snapchat filter did not even know where to put the horns.
- Your brow is so big it makes Kanye West's ego so small.
- You have such a big forehead that it is a wonder you do not play the role of the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland.
- Your forehead is so huge that it is visible on the world map.
- Your entire face sits on your chin because of your big brow.
- Your forehead is so big a group of friends can even play Wii sports on it.
- They made a documentary specifically about you and called it Coneheads.
- Your forehead is so prominent that it makes Megamind jealous.
- Your brow is so big that if you had a stroke, it would look like a landslide gone wrong.
- Your forehead is so huge that you must avoid needles and pins so it does not pop.
- Your body never gets wet whenever it rains because of your big brow.
- It takes you 30 minutes longer than everyone else to enjoy music because the information has to travel from your ears to your brain, which is miles away.

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Funny forehead jokes

Laughter is the best medicine, and what better way to have fun with your friends than to joke about their foreheads? Below are funny jokes about big foreheads to bring laughter to your buddies and strengthen your friendship.
- Your forehead is so huge that you wear a bed sheet for a bandana.
- Your brow looks like Jupiter.
- Your forehead is so prominent that your dreams are in IMAX.
- You could make money selling billboard advertising space on your forehead.
- Your brow is so big NASA thought it was a new planet.
- Your forehead is so massive that school teachers use it as a chalkboard.
- Your brow is so large it gets home before you do.
- Your forehead is so big that you got booted from the stadium for blocking the skybox views.
- Your brow is so prominent your mom spent half of the time in the delivery room giving birth to just your head.
- Your brow is so big one cannot see what is before them when you walk by.
- Why did the nose break up with the forehead? Because it could not handle the pressure.
- Your head is so big that people mistake you for a real-life bobblehead toy.

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Best forehead jokes

Forehead jokes are very relatable in modern days. People no longer take offence but embrace their looks. Below is a list of the best funny jokes about foreheads for your friends.
- Your forehead is so large that you probably dream in 4K.
- Your brow is so big that your State ID says, "to be continued."
- Your forehead is so big that it makes the Mona Lisa smile.
- Your friends call you Headie Murphy because you have a gigantic brow.
- Your brow is so big it could carry all the passengers of the Titanic.
- God loved you so much that he gave you one face and started clearing off space for another.
- Your forehead is so big it could fit an entire NBA court.
- Your brow is so big your inner thoughts echo when you think.
- Your forehead is so big it takes the sun a year to shine on every part of it.
- It would take Michael Angelo four years to complete painting frescoes on your forehead.
- Your brow is so massive that if you used it as a bowling ball, you would be guaranteed a strike every time.
- Your forehead is so big that they say you have global warming when they measure your temperature.

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Foreheads are part of the body, and they come in different shapes and sizes. People with big foreheads get jokes thrown at them often. However, a big forehead is not something to be ashamed of and celebrities like Rihanna embrace it. The above funny forehead jokes are great to share with your friends. published an article about redhead jokes. Redheads get teased often for their unique look. However, the jokes are not designed to offend but to create laughter.
Redhead jokes are a delightful way to bond with your ginger pals. The jokes can make them embrace their unique hair colour and love it more. Ensure the circumstances and mood are right before firing these jokes so as not to offend people. Check out some hilarious jokes for the redheads in the post.